How can I improve my English writing skills?

How can I improve my English writing skills?

Forget everything else. You do not need to be well learnt, informed or educated. No matter how weak your vocabulary is, I think you can end up producing awe-inspiring pieces of content. Do not waste one minute on some “killer tips” or “quality guidelines”. Just write.

All you need to improve your writing skills is…

writing. Do yourself a favour and tell your story no matter how mediocre you might think it is. Your thoughts and your writing should match. Be honest and say whatever you simply want to say.

Be real. Show your true imperfection. It won’t suck. Your readers are just ordinary people like you. It isn’t a quantum physics exam. Trust me, you can write mind-blowing content.

Practice will help to find your voice and Voila!

Do not edit yourself to make your content amazing and interesting. If you have to edit it, means you are not perfect. Here’s a news flash… No one is. Originality and simplicity are compelling virtues. Gradually you will become better in the art of expression through words.

I am stressing this point because if you start editing to make a perfect story. I am afraid You will get used to doing that. You will write in 10 minutes and edit in 50. Tell me if that’s something you really want? To me, that is not natural. I would never be able to understand you if you don’t let me get a true mental image.

Say no to anyone who tells you to go get better at your dumb vocabulary or learn some killer pro tips first. All you want to do is express yourself in words. Do it continuously and see if writing interests you. See if you feel comfortable doing that. See if it’s your thing.

But the first hand, make a go at it and practice. Hopefully, you will start seeing improvements in your skills. The sky is the limit and you can hone it to your satisfaction.

Start writing and hit publish. Do that and I will personally guarantee while sharing your story with the world, you will learn a thing or two about yourself as well.

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